STORIESJun 04, 2024Russian Plane Issues Triple Since Sanctions ImposedIn response to Russia's offensive actions in Ukraine, various Western governments imposed sanctions on the Federation. This has led to Russian airlines struggling to find spare parts to fix crippled aircraft and has further contributed to a spike in malfunctions.Read More →
INFORMATIONALJun 02, 2024What is Night Vision Goggles Technology in Aviation?In aviation, Night Vision Goggles technology aids the aircrew in seeing through low-light conditions, whether inside the cockpit or from an external view.Read More →
INFORMATIONALMay 31, 2024Predictive Maintenance: Ai Impact on Fleet UptimeArtificial intelligence is revolutionizing the aviation industry by improving airplane maintenance and reducing downtime. Through predictive maintenance, smart decision-making, and efficient resource use, AI helps airlines keep planes in the air longer and save on costs. This technological advancement ensures safer and more reliable air travel for everyone.Read More →
INFORMATIONALMay 24, 2024What Are the Safety Implications of eVTOL Aviation?The rapid development and introduction of eVTOL aircraft into the international aviation industry has raised numerous questions about the safety of electric flight, especially in dense, urban settings. Read More →
INFORMATIONALMay 22, 2024How Flight Trackers Make Flying SaferIntegrating biometric validation, facial recognition, automated visa processing, ticketing, and boarding, coupled with ADS-B and ASDE-X, has evolved aviation security, ensuring a safe and secure travel experience.Read More →
INFORMATIONALMay 20, 2024G5 Geomagnetic Storm May Affect Aviation Communication, NavigationA severe geomagnetic storm may interrupt GPS satellites, power grids, and mobile phone networks this weekend. It is the result of a series of solar flares that began on Wednesday May 8 and is expected to have its maximum effect on May 10-11. This is the first such solar storm to over in nearly 20 years.Read More →
INFORMATIONALMay 10, 2024Pilot Fatigue: Are We Putting Safety At Risk for Efficiency? In the cockpit of an airliner, certain situations force pilots to make split-second decisions that often-times mean the difference between a safe flight and disaster. The ever increasing pressure to push for more flights and higher efficiency in the commercial aviation industry promote pilot fatigue and threaten aviation safety. How can these issues be improved upon so that the skies are safer for all of us? Read More →
INFORMATIONALApr 12, 2024Before GPS: How Did Pilots Navigate in the Early Days of Aviation?Before GPS, pilots used several navigation methods. These include pilotage, dead reckoning, the beacon station system, radio ranges, radar, and INS. Future systems will leverage computer power, broadband connectivity, and AI. Read More →
INFORMATIONALApr 10, 2024New Technologies in Aviation: Flight Safety and EfficiencyAir transportation is commonplace these days. But what exactly makes it so convenient, fast, and safe? Read on to find out a little more about flights.
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INFORMATIONALApr 09, 2024Professional Training in Aviation: Training of Pilots and Flight AttendantsLearn essential strategies and protocols to prevent accidents and emergencies in aviation. Explore rigorous maintenance, pilot training, and emergency response plans.Read More →